Lukman Muhadjir, Salidin Salidin


Indonesia is currently experiencing obesity regulations, so that at the level of implementation of the legislation raises problems. President Joko Widodo in his first speech after being appointed president in the second period, last October 2019, said that the omnibus law would simplify regulatory constraints. The government believes that the omnibus law will improve Indonesia’s investment ecosystem and competitiveness so that it can strengthen the national economy. The problem in writing this paper is how is the omnibus law in criminal law reform? In the view of criminal law, the enactment of omnibus law uses the principle of lex specialist derogat legi generalis (a special rule that overrides general rules, because with the existence of omnibus law, then automatically regional level regulations must also comply with new rules of the omnibus law concept). So if the omnibus law is to be applied in the legal system in Indonesia, it is usually in the form of a law, because the substance of the law is a further arrangement of the provisions of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. If the omnibus law is made as a renewal of the criminal law, then all the Laws and even the Criminal Code must be thoroughly dismantled and revised to later be made into a new law in the form of an omnibus law. Because if it is not done so, then there cannot be two laws that govern the same thing. And this does not solve the initial problem experienced by Indonesia, namely regulatory obesity

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