Legal Protection For Rights Holders Land In Determination Of Compensation Related To Land Procurement For Public Interests Based On Justice

Fenny Novita


The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the legal protection for land rights holders in determining compensation for land acquisition for the public interest based on justice; know and analyze the legal consequences for land rights holders in determining compensation for land acquisition that is not suitable for the public interest based on justice; know and analyze the policy arrangements for determining compensation for land acquisition for the public interest in the future. The approach used in conducting this research is through a Normative juridical approach. The result of this research is legal protection to landowners in land acquisition activities for the public interest is the obligation to provide adequate compensation for landowners. The provisions in Article 33 of Law No. 2 Year 2012, have determined the assessment of the amount of compensation value is carried out by an appraiser who will assess the land parcel by parcel, which includes: Land; Aboveground and underground space; Buildings; Plants; Objects related to land; and/or; Other losses that can be assessed. in land acquisition activities for the public interest is firmly implemented on the basis of aspects of justice, namely providing guarantees of adequate compensation to the entitled parties in the land acquisition process so that they get the opportunity to be able to live a better life. Compensation for losses in land acquisition for the public interest often causes legal consequences that are detrimental to landowners who are the object of land acquisition related to land acquisition for the public interest. The losses received become a burden for landowners so that they feel they have no legal protection in maintaining and protecting their rights as owners of legal land rights according to applicable law. There needs to be an institution, agency or body directly appointed to supervise the land acquisition process. The basis for the need for supervision is to control and monitor so that there is no abuse of authority or it does not run in accordance with existing regulations. The duties and authorities given to the supervisor start from land acquisition planning to the termination of legal relations between the entitled party and the object of land acquisition.


Compensation; Land; Protection.

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