Juridical Analysis of the Criminal Investigation of Illegal Toto Gambling in Hong Kong

Febryan Arda Ayu Lukitosarie


Article 303 of the Criminal Code and Article 303 bis of the Criminal Code Jo. UU no. 7 of 1974 concerning Controlling Gambling, it is stated that all forms of gambling are crimes. Apart from that, this statement is strengthened by the existence of PP no. 9 of 1981 concerning Implementation of Law no. 7 of 1974 which is directed at the Central Government and Regional Governments to prohibit or revoke gambling permits in any form and for any purpose. This research aims to determine and analyze the effectiveness of investigating criminal acts of illegal Hong Kong lottery gambling at the Grobogan Police, obstacles and solutions. The approach method used in this research is a sociological juridical approach. Sociological juridical means finding legal realities experienced in the field or an approach that stems from problems regarding juridical matters and existing realities. The analysis of this research uses the theory of legal certainty and the theory of legal effectiveness. The results of the research show that overall it is still less effective in terms of investigating illegal illegal lottery crimes in Hon Kong. Obstacles for the Police in carrying out investigations into criminal acts of illegal lottery gambling are: the public is closed to providing information when criminal acts of gambling occur in their community as if they do not care about the activity, there is security from certain elements. The perpetrators fled when the police wanted to carry out a raid on a shop or house suspected of being a place where gambling crimes were committed, these gambling perpetrators were no longer there or had run away. The solutions carried out by the Police are: holding outreach to the community, deploying Police personnel or security to prevent the occurrence of criminal acts of gambling in the general public, coordinating with local officials, providing understanding to the public so that they are not interested in getting involved in the world of gambling, for suspects (perpetrator /bookie) in the handling will be examined and interrogated at the nearest police station for further action.


Effectiveness; Gambling; Investigation.

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The 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia.

Law Number 2 of 2002 concerning the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia

Law Number 7 of 1974 concerning Controlling Gambling

Criminal Code

Criminal Procedure Code

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.191-200


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