Formulation of Law Enforcement for the Crime of Domestic Violence
This research aims: 1) To find out and analyze law enforcement in the current crime of Domestic Violence (KDRT). 2) To find out and analyze the obstacles to law enforcement in the current crime of Domestic Violence (KDRT). 3) To find out and analyze the formulation of law enforcement in the crime of domestic violence (KDRT) in the future. The approach method used is sociological juridical, which in other words is a type of sociological legal research and can also be called field research, namely studying applicable legal provisions and what happens in reality in society. The sociological juridical approach method wants to look at aspects of legal norms and their application in society regarding domestic violence cases in order to realize the protection of human rights in the South Sumatra Regional Police. The conclusion of this research is that law enforcement in the crime of Domestic Violence (KDRT) is currently based on Article 44 of Law Number 23 of 2004 concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence. Domestic Violence in a sociological perspective is a social fact that crosses ethnicities, beliefs and areas that can be found in people from various groups, statuses and social layers almost everywhere. As an anti-social and anti-human act, domestic violence can occur suddenly and in a planned manner by and against all actors or members of a household who act as perpetrators or victims. Domestic violence in Indonesian law is classified as a crime that carries the threat of criminal law because it causes physical and mental pain and suffering to the victim. In a broader dimension, acts of domestic violence are serious violations of human dignity in accordance with the basic principles of human rights (HAM).
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