The Position of The Prosecutor As A State Attorney in Handling Civil Proceedings & State Administration of State-Owned Enterprises

Ervarin Iswindyarti


In the event of a civil or state administrative dispute, where one of the parties involved is the state, the Prosecutor's Office can play a role and have the authority to act as the state's attorney in civil and state administrative cases. The aim of this research is to find out and analyze the regulations on the position of the Republic of Indonesia Prosecutor's Office in providing legal assistance in the field of civil and state administration to the state and to know and analyze the position of prosecutors as state lawyers in handling civil and state administration proceedings for State-Owned Enterprises. The approach used in this research is normative juridical or library legal research or doctrinal legal research. The Deputy Attorney General for Civil and State Administration (JAMDATUN) explained that institutionally JAMDATUN is a State Attorney's Office which can provide legal services to state or government institutions that require legal services provided by the prosecutor's office. As a State Attorney's Office, the legal services provided are the same as (private) attorney's offices in general. The main difference is only in the clients, those who can be served by the State Attorney's Office are limited to state institutions, the government or its officials. So, to obtain legal assistance from the State Attorney, BUMN previously made a Special Power of Attorney to the Prosecutor's Office which is the basis for obtaining legal assistance from the State Attorney to carry out their duties as Legal Attorney and will be fully responsible like a lawyer for the case. In relation to the role of State Attorneys in representing the interests of the state, State Attorneys with special powers act for and on behalf of the Government or State in Civil and State Administrative cases or cases. The State Attorney can play the role of being the party who receives the BUMN power of attorney in terms of providing legal assistance through litigation (court) and non-litigation channels.


Administration; Civil; Prosecutor; Service.

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