Juridical Implications of Discrepancies in the Results of Road Improvement Work with the Contents of the Work Contract Agreement
This research aims to analyze: 1) 1) The legal implications of the discrepancy between the results of the Bantarsari-Cikerang road improvement work and the contents of the work contracting agreement in the 2019 regional revenue and expenditure budget in Cilacap Regency. 2) Legal responsibility for discrepancies in the results of the Bantarsari-Cikerang road improvement work with the contents of the work contracting agreement in the 2019 regional revenue and expenditure budget in Cilacap Regency. This type of research falls within the scope of sociological juridical research. The approach method used in this research is a qualitative approach. The type of data uses primary data and secondary data obtained through interviews and literature study. The data analysis method used in this research was carried out qualitatively. The research results concluded: 1) The juridical implication regarding the discrepancy between the results of the Bantarsari-Cikerang road improvement work and the contents of the work contracting agreement in the 2019 regional revenue and expenditure budget in Cilacap Regency is that the PPK party can terminate the contract unilaterally, because the service provider has been proven to have defaulted on employment agreement. In the event that the contract is terminated during the implementation period due to an error by the service provider, the performance guarantee is disbursed, the remaining down payment must be paid by the service provider or the down payment guarantee is disbursed, the service provider is subject to blacklisting sanctions. 2) Legal responsibility for discrepancies in the results of the Bantarsari-Cikerang road improvement work with the contents of the work contracting agreement in the 2019 regional revenue and expenditure budget in Cilacap Regency is the Service Provider or PT. ETT must be legally responsible. Apart from being included as a blacklisted service provider, PT. ETT must also provide compensation by paying off the remainder of the down payment or collateral disbursed. Regarding the sanctions given, it must be proven that a breach of contract has actually occurred which resulted in losses for one of the parties. Regarding compensation, it must be calculated materially and regarding matters for which the party declared in default can be held responsible.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.1.%25p
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