Implementation of Legal Aid for the Underprivileged from an Islamic Law Perspective (Case Study at the Peradi Malang Legal Aid Center)

Azfa Fikri Muzakki


This research aims to analyze the implementation of providing legal aid for underprivileged communities from an Islamic legal perspective at the Peradi Malang Legal Aid Center and what obstacles exist in the implementation of providing legal aid for underprivileged communities at the Peradi Malang Legal Aid Center. The research method used is empirical legal research or sociological juridical research, namely examining applicable legal provisions and what happens in reality in society. The results of the first research and discussion are that the implementation of providing legal aid for underprivileged people is absolutely mandatory because it concerns the constitutional rights of every citizen. This is in accordance with Law No. 16 of 2011 concerning Legal Aid and which is also implemented by the Peradi Malang Law Office. The implementation of legal aid in Islam is of course based on the principles and principles of Islamic law which are based on the Koran. and sunnah, then legal and legal aid in the process of enforcing Islamic law should be aimed at justice, goodness and the benefit of humanity itself. Second, the implementation of legal aid for poor communities has so far not been optimal enough. The implementation of legal aid through the government's legal aid program still has limitations so it cannot guarantee respect for the individual rights of the poor.


Aid; Communities; Islamic; Underprivileged.

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Other:,diakses pada tanggal 1 April 2024,Pukul 12.42 WIB



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