Implementation of Rights and Obligations of Husband and Wife of Underage Married Couples (Study in Demak District, Demak Regency)

Izza Sofia Arief Hanun


The aim of this research is to define the negligence of the rights and obligations of husband and wife among underage married couples in Demak District, Demak Regency and to analyze the factors that cause husband and wife not to carry out their obligations, including: Economic Factors, Mental Readiness Factors, and Infidelity Factors. The method used in analyzing this problem is descriptive-qualitative, namely defining negligence regarding the rights and obligations of husband and wife in underage married couples in Demak District. Then the next step is to analyze the factors that cause underage married couples to neglect their rights and obligations. as husband and wife. From the results of this research, it can be concluded that the rights and obligations of husband and wife from the perspective of Law Number 16 of 2019, are that husband and wife in a household have a balanced portion in carrying out their rights and obligations, the husband is obliged to protect his wife, provide a living and direct his wife. Meanwhile, wives are obliged to manage household affairs as well as possible, and they are obliged to love, respect, be loyal and provide inner and outer satisfaction. There are several factors that cause a husband or wife not to carry out their obligations, including economic factors, mental readiness factors, and infidelity factors. This makes the early couple neglect their obligations as husband and wife. This negligence cannot be justified, even though they have decided to marry underage, they should fully understand the rights they receive and the obligations they must carry out as a good and correct husband and wife according to the country and religion.


Child; Marriage; Obligations; Rights.

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Data on underage marriages from KUA Demak Regency

Results of interviews with the Demak District Secretary, July 5 2024.

Data from KUA (Religious Affairs Office) Demak District

District Monograph. Demak

Interview Results with ARK and IA, 04 July 2024

Interview Results with EW and SE, 04 July 2024

Interview Results with KU and EN, 04 July 2024

Interview Results with RH and DSD, 05 July 2024

Interview Results with TYN and RL 05 July 2024

Interview Results with SR and ARP 06 July 2024

Interview Results with TRS and MR, 20 February 2024



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