The Role of Advocates in Providing Legal Assistance to Perpetrators of Crimes of Narcotics Abuse
Law enforcement against narcotics crimes has been widely carried out by law enforcement officers and has received many judge's decisions. In many recent cases, many dealers were caught and received heavy sanctions, but other perpetrators seemed to ignore this and were even more inclined to expand their areas of operation. The law enforcers in question are not only police, judges and prosecutors, but also advocates. The approach method used is sociological juridical, namely an approach method used in an effort to see and analyze a real legal rule and analyze how a legal rule works in society, in sociological legal research using the main sources of primary data and secondary data in research law is data obtained from interviews and literature review. The problem is analyzed using the theory of legal certainty and law enforcement theory. The research results show that advocates have a very important role in protecting the rights of perpetrators of narcotics crimes. They are tasked with ensuring that their clients receive a fair legal process, including the right to effective defense. Advocates must identify and overcome potential violations of human rights and the principles of justice at every stage of the legal process and the obstacles experienced by advocates in providing legal assistance to perpetrators of narcotics crimes, namely: juridical obstacles and non-juridical obstacles. The legal obstacles faced by advocates are related to the absence of provisions governing the provision of free legal aid for people who are clearly unable, but do not have a certificate of incapacity from the government. The provision of legal aid is still hampered by administration due to the lack of clear categories related to the poor. There are still often differences in interpretations of poor people from both OBH and the government.
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