The Authority of the Public Prosecutor in Confiscating Evidence of Corruption at the Prosecution Stage
This study aims to determine and analyze the legality of the confiscation of evidence of corruption by the Public Prosecutor at the Prosecution stage and to determine and analyze the authority of the Public Prosecutor in confiscating evidence of corruption at the Prosecution Stage. The research method used is a normative legal research approach, namely an approach carried out by examining the approach of theories, concepts, reviewing laws and regulations related to the implementation of the Public Prosecutor's authority in confiscating evidence of corruption at the Prosecution Stage. Based on the research that the legal process of confiscation of evidence of corruption by the Public Prosecutor at the Prosecution Stage, if during the trial legal facts are found related to the defendant's property that has not been confiscated at the investigation level, then the Public Prosecutor can submit a request for a confiscation permit to the Panel of Judges then after it is granted the Panel of Judges issues a Determination of the Confiscation Permit from the Panel of Judges, Furthermore, the Public Prosecutor in following up on the determination makes a Minutes of the Implementation of the Judge's Determination and Minutes of the Implementation of the Confiscation which are then attached to the case file and stated in the indictment related to evidence. In practice, confiscation by the Public Prosecutor at trial has been carried out in handling the cases of convicted Corruption in the name of Defendant Honggo Wendratno (in absentia) and the Crime of Money Laundering of Jiwasraya Insurance in the name of Defendant Heru Hidayat and Defendant Benny Tjokrosaputro.
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