Police Efforts to Legitimize the Concept of Restorative Justice in the Judicial Process
The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the specifications of the Police's legal policy products in implementing the concept of restorative justice. In this writing, the author uses a normative juridical method with research specifications in the form of descriptive analysis. In its implementation, the handling of criminal acts in Indonesia still uses a retributive justice system that is oriented towards retribution and prioritizes legal certainty. If the handling of criminal acts between extra ordinary crimes, ordinary crimes, and minor motives is not distinguished, especially criminal acts whose losses are possible to be recovered, of course it can sacrifice the sense of justice and social reaction to the victim. In this problem, the victim is not only the party who is harmed, but the suspect is also a victim of the criminal process which is essentially to provide justice for both parties. Therefore, an optimal alternative action is needed from the applicable regulations, namely in the form of discretionary actions at the stages of the criminal justice system, one of which is the Police institution.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.551-560
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