Legal Analysis of Settlement of Violations of the Code of Professional Ethics for Police Members Who Commit Criminal Acts in the Jurisdiction of the Regional Police of the Republic of Indonesia
The enforcement of police discipline and code of ethics is very much needed in order to realize the implementation of the tasks assigned and achieve the professionalism of the Police. It is very unlikely that law enforcement can run well, if the law enforcers themselves are undisciplined and unprofessional. The problems in this research are; What is the Legal Arrangement for Disrespectful Dismissal of Police Members Who Commit Crimes in Indonesia?; What are the legal arrangements regarding the disrespectful dismissal of members of the police who commit criminal acts to realize legal protection and certainty?; How is the implementation and the factors that become obstacles as well as solutions to the disrespectful dismissal of police officers who commit criminal acts to realize legal protection and certainty.
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