Effectiveness of State Financial Returns as a Settlement of Corruption Crimes Based on Benefit (Case Study: Tanjungpinang District Attorney's Office)
State financial losses resulting from deviant or unlawful management of state finances must be returned so that state finances are in their original state to finance the implementation of state government in order to achieve state goals. The aim of this research is to determine and analyze the effectiveness of returning state finances as a resolution of benefit-based criminal acts of corruption. To overcome obstacles and provide solutions for returning state finances as a solution to criminal acts of corruption. The approach method used in preparing the thesis is empirical juridical research. The specifications in this research are analytical descriptive. Types and sources of data using primary data and secondary data. The data analysis used in this research is qualitative analysis. The results of this research are (1) The effectiveness of returning state finances as a benefit-based resolution of criminal acts of corruption relies on achieving the greatest benefits for society through recovery of state losses and strict law enforcement. Effectiveness factors according to Soerjono Soekanto, such as legal factors: Article 18 of the Corruption Law, which regulates additional punishment in the form of replacement money, is often not equipped with detailed mechanisms regarding asset tracking, confiscation, and execution; Law enforcement factors: bureaucratic obstacles with the BPK/BPKP in the audit process for corruption defendants; Cultural factors: permissive culture towards corruption that is still developing in society; Facilities and infrastructure factors: The prosecutor's office also does not have facilities and infrastructure related to crimes in banking related to criminal acts of corruption; as well as community factors: low community participation in eradicating criminal acts of corruption. (2) Obstacles in efforts to recover state finances as a resolution of criminal acts of corruption at the Tanjung Pinang District Prosecutor's Office include internal factors such as ineffective implementation of sanctions and obstacles in executing decisions by prosecutors, as well as external factors such as unclear legal regulations and low public participation. To overcome this obstacle, legal revisions are needed that adapt sanctions to the impact of crime, strengthening law enforcement capacity through training and technology, as well as public education to increase public awareness and support.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.30659/rlj.3.4.631-640
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