Ideal Formulation of Corruption Crime Investigation Conducted Under Certain Circumstances
The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the implementation of corruption crime investigations under certain circumstances. To determine and analyze the obstacles in the implementation of corruption crime investigations under certain circumstances. To determine and analyze the ideal formulation of corruption crime investigations carried out under certain circumstances. The method used by the researcher is a normative legal approach and the specifications in this study are descriptive. The sources and types of data in this study are secondary data obtained from literature studies. Based on the results of the study, the implementation of corruption crime investigations under certain circumstances, namely in the investigation process, case development techniques are used to collect data and facts of the case. In addition, the police use investigative audit techniques as a method of searching and collecting data, information and other findings to find out the truth or even the error of a fact by coordinating with the BPK/BPKP. In cases of corruption committed by state officials, there must be a permit that must be completed before conducting an investigation. The obstacles are the lack of legal certainty and loopholes in the laws and regulations. Unclear or even overlapping legal provisions can cause confusion and hinder the investigation process. This can make the implementation of our duties less effective. The solution is to revise the laws and regulations. This aims to clarify existing legal provisions and eliminate articles that conflict with each other. The ideal formulation of corruption crime investigations carried out in certain circumstances is the implementation of its authority, has resolved corruption cases with a fairly large amount of state losses. Thus, the role of Polri investigators is still very much needed in conducting corruption crime investigations, considering that more than half of the public reports have not been resolved by the Police.
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