Analysis of Law Enforcement in the Criminal Act of Transferring Fiduciary Collateral Objects (Case Study of Police Report Number: LP/B/31/III/2024/SPKT/Banyumas Police/Central Java Police)
The abstract of this thesis discusses the analysis of law enforcement in the criminal act of transferring fiduciary collateral objects, with a case study on Police Report Number: LP/B/31/III/2024/SPKT/Banyumas Police/Central Java Police. Unlawful transfer of fiduciary collateral objects is an act that violates the provisions of Law Number 42 of 1999 concerning Fiduciary Collateral. This crime can be detrimental to the creditor because the collateralized object can no longer be used as collateral for unpaid debts. This study aims to identify how the law enforcement process against perpetrators of illegal transfer of fiduciary collateral objects and examine the obstacles faced by law enforcement officers in handling the case. In addition, this study will also evaluate the role of the police in investigating and investigating cases of transfer of fiduciary collateral objects, as well as factors that influence the effectiveness of law enforcement in the field. By using an empirical legal approach, it is hoped that the results of this study can contribute to improving the quality of law enforcement in Indonesia, especially in cases of fiduciary collateral.
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