Legal Review Of Fraud Criminal Act In Property Sale And Purchase Transactions
Nowadays, there are many fraud criminal acts with various forms and developments, one of which is fraud in property sale and purchase transactions. This study aims to determine how the regulation, mode and legal protection of fraud criminal acts in property sale and purchase transactions in Indonesia.
In this study, the approach method used is: a normative legal approach or an approach by means of literature study. The research specification used is Descriptive Analytical, namely an effort to analyze and explain legal problems related to objects with a comprehensive and systematic description of everything related to fraud criminal acts in property sale and purchase transactions.
Regulations related to fraud in property sales transactions in Indonesia are regulated in Book II of the Criminal Code in Chapter XXV from Article 378 to Article 395. The crime of fraud in its basic form is regulated in Article 378 of the Criminal Code. Legal protection for victims of property crimes, namely in Article 1 and 19 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.
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