Mismatch of Land Objects Resulting from Certificate Splitting by Developers at the National Land Office of South Tangerang City
A developer is a developer run by either individuals or legal entities engaged in the housing industry that builds, markets and procures land and/or land and buildings needed by the community/consumers. Developers can split their own certificates by registering the process with the local National Land Agency Office. The purpose of this study is to analyze: 1) Certificate splitting procedures carried out by developers at the National Land Office of South Tangerang City. 2) Obstacles and solutions to the mismatch of certificate splitting results issued by the National Land Office of South Tangerang City. This type of research is empirical legal research. The approach method in this study is a qualitative approach. The types and sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data. which are obtained through interviews and literature studies. The analysis in this study is prescriptive. The results of the study concluded: 1) The procedure for splitting certificates carried out by developers at the South Tangerang City National Land Office is first, the developer prepares the necessary documents, such as master certificates, land plot maps, and related permits. After that, the developer submits a certificate split application to the BPN, accompanied by the documents that have been prepared. The BPN then verifies the documents to ensure their completeness and validity. If necessary, the BPN will re-measure the land to ensure that the division is in accordance with the submitted plan. After the measurement is complete, the BPN makes a new land plot map and issues a new certificate for each divided land plot. This certificate is then submitted to the developer, who can then distribute it to the entitled party. Finally, the BPN records this certificate split in the land book and national archives, to maintain the validity and legal certainty of the land that has been divided. 2) Inconsistencies in the results of the certificate split issued by the South Tangerang City National Land Office (BPN) can cause various obstacles, these obstacles are often caused by inaccurate data, errors in land measurement, or lack of coordination between the developer and the BPN. To overcome these obstacles, several solutions can be applied. First, BPN must improve accuracy in the document verification process and land re-measurement, and ensure that all data is in accordance with conditions in the field. Second, stricter supervision and the use of more sophisticated technology, such as geographic information systems (GIS), can help improve accuracy and efficiency in the certificate splitting process. Third, better communication between developers, BPN, and related parties needs to be improved to ensure that each stage of the certificate splitting procedure runs smoothly and in accordance with regulations.
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