Table of Contents
Effectiveness of Implementation of Internship for Prospective Notaries to Realize Professionalism in Kendal Regency
Arsanti Agatha, Bambang Tri Bawono
Notary's Responsibility for Violation of Code of Ethics in Signing Authentic Deeds by Sending Minutes of Deeds
Asma' Fajar Fitrianingtyas, Umar Ma'ruf
Legal Force of Electronic Certificates (E-Certificates) Issued by The National Land Agency (BPN) as A Form Oo Land Rights Ownership
Dwi Adi Pangestika Putra Rihesta, Taufan Fajar Riyanto
Legal Analysis of the Legal Consequences of the Cancellation of the Deed of Land Sale and Purchase Agreement (Case Study of Case Number 154/Pdt.G/2022/PN.Smg)
Muhammad Rizqi Syahputra, Denny Suwondo
Role and Responsibility of Notaries in Making Wills That Have the Potential to Violate Heirs' Rights Based on Islamic Inheritance Law in Jepara District
Purwanto Purwanto
Legal Consequences of Fiduciary Guarantee Objects in Notarial Deeds That Have Not Been Registered by a Notary
Chrisnawati Jhesie Pangestu, Dahniarti Hasana
Legal Power of Deeds of Officers Making Legal Defective Land Deeds
Achmad Rodli, Shallman Shallman
Legal Review of Breach of Performance Law on Binding Agreement Deeds sale and Purchase of Land and Buildings Made By a Notary
Hayuningtyas Pambudi, Aryani Witasari
Notary's Responsibility for Deeds Made With Fake Documents Provided by The Parties
Lismi Salis, Shallman Shallman
Legal Force of Electronic Signatures as a Valid Evidence in Authentic Deeds
Raden Roro Nadia Sterisa, Achmad Arifulloh
Unknown Transfer of Land Rights The Existence of The Owner Registered in The Land Certificate
Romi Ardiansyah, Taufan Fajar Riyanto
Responsibility of Land Deed Officials (PPAT) as Participants in The Issue of Sale and Purchase Deeds Cancelled By The Court in West Jakarta
Yurizal Akmal, Sugiharto Sugiharto
Legal Analysis of Unfair Competition Between Notaries in The Perspective of The Code of Ethics of The Indonesian Notaries Association
Risma Safitri Malidu, Denny Suwondo
The Role of the Regional Supervisory Board in Enforcing the Notary Code of Ethics in Sragen Regency
Suyatmi Suyatmi, Jawade Hafidz
The notary's responsibility for the act of including false information in the deed of an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders
Nalendra Yudha Wijaya, Bambang Tri Bawono
Legal Protection of Consortium Agreement Deeds by Notaries in Infrastructure Projects in Indonesia
Baputera Kurnianto, Shallman Shallman
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Use of Fingerprints as Authentication of the Applicant's Identity in Notarial Deed Minutes Based on Electronic Systems
Daniel Adi Sujiyanto, Nanang Sri Darmadi
Notary's Responsibility Regarding Deeds Which Do Not Fulfil Material Elements and Truth
Dina Rahmawati, Aryani Witasari
Notary Protection of Authentic Deeds as Evidence in Criminal Cases
Irwan Santoso, Ahmad Hadi Prayitno
Misuse of The Notary's Right to Reject in Investigation of Criminal Cases Regarding Deeds He Made
Iswahyudi Iswahyudi, Achmad Arifulloh
Notary's Responsibility for The Occurrence of Identity Forgery in The Making of Authentic Deeds (Demak District Court Decision Study No.143/Pid.B/2023/PN Dmk)
Muhammad Shaifuddin, Muhammad Taufiq
Implementation of the Principle of Legal Certainty in the Making of Marriage Agreement Deeds by Notaries
Raditya Rizki Nugroho, Trubus Wahyudi
Legal Implications of Peace Agreement Deeds Made Before a Notary in Resolving Overlapping Land Disputes in The Indonesian Legal System
Sri Lestari, Denny Suwondo
The Role of The Police in Investigations of Corruption Criminal Acts Involving Notaries
Umi Hani Kurniawati
Legal Consequences of Falseing The Participant's Identity in Making an Authentic Deed (Demak District Court Decision Study No. 125/Pid.B/2020/Pn Dmk)
Wasito Wasito, Bambang Tri Bawono
Legal Review of Default in Housing Ownership Credit (Kpr) Agreement
Bala Kresna
The Role of Notaries in Realizing Effective Implementation Electronic Deed Registration in Tegal Regency
Desy Tri Rahmawati, Nanang Sri Darmadi
Responsibility of Land Deed Officials (Ppat) in Providing Unfinished Name Transfer Services
Parhan Parhan, Taufan Fajar Riyanto
Legal Implications in The Execution of a Will Without Making a Will Authentic Deed in the Conception of Legal Certainty
Revana Mahran Nuha, Jawade Hafidz
Liability of a Notary Who Intentionally Include False Information in an Authentic Deed
Suci Rahmadhani, Achmad Arifullah
Implementation of Land Registration Transformation Electronic Land Services at the Land Office of Tegal Regency
Ulu Maeni Ulfah, Jawade Hafidz
Efforts to Resolve Rental Disputes Renting Market Land Rent Back (Supreme Court Cassavior Decision)
Zulkifli Manullang, Bambang Tri Bawono