Responsibility of Land Deed Official (PPAT) Towards Power of Attorney to Granted Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) in Fulfilling The Granting of Mortgage Rights to Bank Perekonomian Rakyat Badan Credit Kecamatan Jepara Perseroda

Listiana Nur Azizah, Aryani Witasari



Abstract. This study is entitled "Responsibility of Land Deed Officials (Ppat) to the Power of Attorney to Charge Mortgage Rights (Skmht) in Fulfilling the Granting of Mortgage Rights at the People's Economic Bank, Jepara District Credit Agency, Perseroda" The objectives to be achieved are to obtain answers to the problems that have been described in the formulation of the problem. The research method uses a sociological legal approach, data sources are obtained from several stages, namely through field research and library research. Data analysis in a systematic manner includes data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. concluded that PPAT has a very important role in making a Power of Attorney to Charge Mortgage Rights (SKMHT) because PPAT is responsible for ensuring that all legal aspects related to mortgage rights are carried out in accordance with applicable provisions. PPAT must ensure that the land to be used as the object of mortgage rights is not in dispute and is not bound by other problems. The obstacles faced by PPAT like this slow down or hinder the process of granting mortgage rights. These obstacles can be given a way or solution through mediation or negotiation between the party who has the obligation and the party who has the mortgage rights. This aims to reach a mutual agreement on the method of payment or other settlement. the cause of the delay or difficulty in fulfilling obligations, the best solution can be found. Transparent negotiations can often result in a fair agreement for both parties.

Keywords: Imposing Mortgage Rights; Officials Making Land Deeds; Responsibilities

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