Authority of a Notary as Auction Official Class Ii in Implementing Voluntary Non-Execution Auctions at the Request of the Auction House and the Seller at the Office Area of the Directorate General of State Assets Central Java and Diy
Abstract. Notaries as class II auction officials have the authority to make deeds of minutes auction. This authority still exists among the general public and has not now and understand the authority of a notary as a class II auction official. The aim of this research is to analyze: 1) The authority of a notary as a Class II Auction Officer in carrying out a voluntary non-execution auction upon request Auction House and Seller at the Regional Office of DJKN Central Java and DIY. 2) Legal force of evidence action minutes deed made by a Notary as a Class II Auction Officer. The approach method in this research is the Legislative Approach. This type of research is normative research. The types and sources of data in this research is secondary data obtained through literature studies. Analysis in research This is qualitative in nature. The research results concluded: 1) Other authorities held by a Notary are: can make a deed of auction minutes. In order to carry out this authority, a notary must first be appointed by the Minister of Finance as a Class II Auction Official. The authority of a notary as a Class II auction official to make a deed of auction minutes continuous with the theory of legal certainty and the theory of proven utility in Article 15 paragraph (2) letter Auction Rules. Auction minutes may provide legal certainty and guarantee the security of the parties, as well as providing benefits law in ensuring legal certainty in the implementation of auctions. 2) Legal force proof of the auction minutes deed made by a notary as a class II auction official is an authentic deed which is categorized as a deed relax who has the power perfect proof law
Keywords: Auction; Authority; Official.
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