Table of Contents
The Evaluating Land Regulation Challenges in Mitigating Gentrification: Insights from Bali's Mass Tourism Impact
Kadek Agus Yudiantika, Dewa Krisna Prasada
Problematics of The Influence of Islamic Law on The Order of Life of The Badui Community
Merry Roseline Pasaribu, Rizki Rizki
Reconstruction of Breach of Performance & Unlawful Acts in Book III of Civil Law (Islamic Legal Analysis)
Dedi Ismanto, Muhammad Syukri Albani, M. Amar Adly
Restorative Justice in the Criminal Act of Rape (Analysis of the KUHP & Qanun Jinayat)
Septeddy Endra Wijaya, Watni Marpaung, Arifuddin Muda Harahap
Restorative Justice Concept in Islam & Its Implementation in National Criminal Law from Islamic Legal Philosophy
Rizky Fauzi, Watni Marpaung, Nurul Huda Prasetya
Criminal Punishment in The Concept of Non-Conviction based on Asset Forfeiture (Analysis of Islamic Criminal Law)
Deby Rinaldi, Watni Marpaung, Arifuddin Muda Harahap
Reconstruction of Confiscation of Corruption Convicts' Assets in Restitution of State Financial Losses Islamic Law Analysis
Ivan Najjar Alavi, Watni Marpaung, Arifuddin Muda Harahap
The Role of Restorative Justice in Juvenile Criminal Law Islamic Law Analysis
Yudhi Permana, Watni Marpaung, Arifuddin Muda Harahap
The Juridical Review on Payment Security and Protection of Authors' Rights in Journal Publication
Muhammad Ali Adnan, Atika Sunarto, Azizan Khair
Transition of Acehnese Legal Culture Towards the Implementation of Qonun on Sharia Finance with Islamic Law Analysis
Khairul Khairul Azhar
Legal Reconstruction of Hadhanah Rights Due to Divorce in Indonesia from a Maqashid Syari’ah Perspective
Muhammad Farid, Muhammad Syukri Albani, Fauziah Lubis
Absorption of Islamic Law in National Law: Analysis of Law No. 1 of 1974 and KHI on Marriage
Awaluddin Habibi Siregar, Ansari Yamamah, Arifuddin Muda Harahap
Judge Freedom Versus Accountability on Oversight System and Ethics Enforcement Mechanism in Criminal Justice in Indonesia
Gunadi Pramono, Hidayatullah Hidayatullah, Akhmad Munawar
A Review of the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL) Program and Its Accompanying Taxes
Maria Emelia Retno Kadarukmi
Errors That Can Be Tolerated in Criminal Court Decisions Using A Doctrinal Approach Harmless Error in Order to Carry Out The Principles of Justice
Erwin Susilo, Dharma Setiawan Negara
The Concept of People's Sovereignty Towards The Appointment of The Ideal Acting Regional Head
Achmad Aldy Hifdillah, Tunggul Anshari Setia Negara, Riana Susmayanti
Legal Aspect of Micro, Small, and Medium Business Partnership Agreements through Digital Platforms to Improve Community's Economy
Andi Aina Ilmih, A. Zulkarnain
The Theory of Justice (Aristotle) Against Imperfect Collateral Binding Bad Debt Case at State-Owned Bank
Neny Triana
Legal Substance of Sale and Purchase of Land and Building in the Determination of BPHTB DPP in Land and Building Sale and Purchase Transactions in Medan City
Albert Siahaan, Andy Tonggo Michael Sihombing, Ricky Banke
Restorative justice as an Effort to Resolve Minor Criminal Cases in Indonesian Criminal Law: Contextualization of Samagama Sutta
Warsito Warsito, Ilham Aji Pangestu
Juridical Analysis of Child Marriage Tolerance on Living Habits in Society Against Marriage Law
Puang Mahaputri, Ma’ruf Akib, Muryanto Lanontji