The Mediating Role of Employee Sociopreneurs in the Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Service Quality Performance at the Sebelas Maret Police Clinic Pati District
Abstract. This study is an associative explanatory study to explore the relationship between Islamic intrinsic motivation, Islamic extrinsic motivation, sociopreneur and service performance at the Jepara, Kudus, Grobogan, Pati, and Rembang Police Clinics. The population of the study was the Sidokkes Staff from the four clinics, with a total of 111 respondents. Data collection was conducted through a personal questionnaire using an interval scale of 1-5, from Strongly Disagree (STS) to Strongly Agree (SS). Data analysis used the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of this study indicate that Islamic intrinsic motivation has a positive and significant influence on sociopreneurs, as well as on improving service quality performance. Likewise, Islamic extrinsic motivation also has a positive and significant influence on sociopreneurs and service performance. In addition, it was found that sociopreneurs have a positive and significant influence on improving service performance. These findings demonstrate the importance of considering Islamic intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors in improving health performance in the clinical environment, as well as the important role of employee sociopreneurs in improving service quality. The managerial implications of this study are the need for greater attention to HR motivation and behavior in the context of Islamic values, as well as the importance of developing sociopreneurs to improve the overall quality of health services.
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