Table of Contents
Ability to Prepare Financial Reports and Motivation As Factors Influencing The Performance of Islamic UMKM in Tegal City (Case Study on UMKM in Tegal City)
Agnes Dwi Astriani, Sri Dewi Wahyundaru
Innovation Capability Driven by Knowledge Sharing and Work Training in Improving the Performance of Temanggung Police Personnel
Siget Prahmono
The Moderating Role of Intrinsic Motivation in the Influence of Fear of Success and Work Family Conflict on the Performance of Policewomen at the Central Java Regional Police
Siti Naimah
The Mediating Role of Employee Sociopreneurs in the Influence of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Service Quality Performance at the Sebelas Maret Police Clinic Pati District
Sri Anik
Transformational Leadership, Professional Commitment, and Emotional Stability on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediator
Sri Isminarti
The Mediating Effect of E-WOM Marketing in the Influence of Service Quality and Customer Trust on Customer Loyalty
Rendi Riandani