Transformational Leadership, Professional Commitment, and Emotional Stability on Employee Performance with Job Satisfaction as a Mediator
Abstract. This study aims to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership, professional commitment, emotional stability, job satisfaction, and human resource (HR) performance at the Kutukan Health Center, Blora Regency. The population studied was all civil servant employees at the Kutukan Health Center, Blora Regency, totaling 46 HR. The sampling technique used was a census. Data were collected through the use of a closed questionnaire with a rating scale of 1 to 5, covering a range from "Strongly Disagree" to "Strongly Agree". Data analysis was carried out using the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. The results of the study showed a positive correlation between transformational leadership and HR job satisfaction, where Inspirational Motivation plays a crucial role in motivating employees. In addition, professional commitment was also shown to be positively related to job satisfaction, with engagement being the main indicator that stood out. Meanwhile, emotional stability was also positively related to job satisfaction, with objectivity being the main indicator that was related. The results of this study suggest that organizations need to pay attention to the importance of motivating employees, building positive relationships between superiors and subordinates, and increasing professional engagement and loyalty. Managers are also advised to pay attention to employee emotional stability and create a supportive work environment. Further research can explore these factors in different cultural contexts or by using a qualitative approach to gain a deeper understanding.
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