The Mediating Effect of E-WOM Marketing in the Influence of Service Quality and Customer Trust on Customer Loyalty

Rendi Riandani


Abstract. This study aims to examine the mediating role of Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) in the influence between Service Quality and Trust on customer loyalty at PT Jati Utama Furniture Genuk Purwodadi investigated through explanatory research. The population studied were all consumers of PT. Jati Utama Furniture Genuk Purwodadi, with a sample of 105 respondents selected using the accidental random sampling method. Measurement of research variables was carried out through personal questionnaires with data collected through closed questionnaires. The range of statements in the questionnaire ranged from 1 to 5, with choices from Strongly Disagree (STS) to Strongly Agree (SS). The results of the study indicate that Service Quality has a positive and significant influence on Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM), and is proven to have a significant positive impact on Customer Loyalty. In addition, Customer Trust is also proven to have a positive and significant influence on eWOM and Customer Loyalty. These findings provide a strong basis for understanding the complex relationship between Service Quality, Trust, eWOM, and Customer Loyalty variables. Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM) acts as a mediator in connecting the influence between Service Quality and Trust on customer loyalty. 


Keywords: Customer; Service Quality; Trust; eWOM; Loyalty

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