The Influence of Leadership and Motivation on TPP Performance with Work Discipline as an Intervening Variable (Case Study of Local Village Companions in Banyumas Regency)

Indra Purnomo


Abstract.The purpose of this study was to determine work discipline as an intervening variable that mediates the influence of leadership and motivation on the performance of Professional Companion Personnel (TPP) in Villages in Banyumas Regency. The research variables are leadership as (X1), motivation as (X2), work discipline as (X3) and Performance as variable (Y). This research method is quantitative descriptive. Quantitative method is one of the methods used to test certain theories by examining the relationship between variables. The results of this study are that leadership has a significant positive effect on performance. Motivation has a significant positive effect on performance. Furthermore, work discipline has a significant positive effect on the performance of Professional Companion Personnel (TPP) in Villages in Banyumas Regency.


Keywords: Leadership, Motivation, Work Discipline and Performance

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