Increasing Customer Stickiness Based on Social Support and Customer Engagement
Abstract. The study aims to develop and evaluate an empirical model of the role of variables under the constructs of Social Support - Emotional Support and Informational Support - against variables under the construct of Customer Engagement - Conscious Participation, Enthusiasm, and Social Interaction - to increase Customer Stickiness for Millennial Generation Sharing Economy Platform customers in Central Java. The empirical model is built based on Engagement theory. For this purpose, around 220 Millennial Generation sharing economy platform users aged over 18 were surveyed online and the data were analyzed using the structural equation model (SEM) of the Smart PLS 3 program. This study found that Emotional Support had an effect on Conscious Participation and Enthusiasm, but Emotional Support had no effect on Social Interaction. Furthermore, Informational Support had an effect on Conscious Participation, Enthusiasm, and Social Interaction. Likewise, Enthusiasm and Social Interaction had an effect on Customer Stickiness. However, Conscious Participation had no effect on Customer Stickiness. Therefore, the results of this study contribute to the development of the Customer Engagement and Customer Stickiness approaches. This research also offers important insights for Sharing Economy Platform managers.
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