The Relationship of QWL (Quality Work-Life) to Feeling of Contribution to Productivity with Islamic Business Ethics as a Moderating Variable on Employees at PT. Ukhuwah Khasanah Berkah (Ayam Geprek Sa'i) Pekalongan Region
Abstract. This study aims to investigate how the subjective dimensions of Quality of Work Life (QWL) influence organizational performance productivity. The research was conducted at Ayam Geprek Sai Regional Pekalongan, with Islamic Business Ethics as the moderating variable. The research methodology employed in this study is quantitative in nature. The results of the analysis indicate that supervisor support, a good work environment, skills development, and work-life balance significantly and positively influence the feeling of contribution to productivity. However, professional respect has a negative influence on the feeling of contribution to productivity. Moreover, Islamic business ethics also play a crucial role in moderating the relationship between these factors and the feeling of contribution to productivity. It was found that higher values of Islamic business ethics strengthen the relationship between these factors and the feeling of contribution to productivity. This research provides a better understanding of how specific factors, as well as the influence of Islamic business ethics, can affect the feeling of contribution to productivity in the workplace. The practical implications of this study underscore the importance of paying attention to these factors and promoting the principles of Islamic business ethics to enhance productivity and employee satisfaction.
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