Table of Contents
Legal Aspects of Cooperation Agreement on Cultivation of Siwalan Orchard Land in Sumenep Regency
Sumriyah Sumriyah, Rhido Jusmadi, Rusman Hadi, Linda Uril Khofifah
Juridical Analysis of The Crime of Theft Committed Jointly by Members of The TNI
Alex Sokhian Gea, Lesson Sihotang, Jusnizar Sinaga
A Comparative Study of The Syafiian Mazhab & The Maliki Mazhab from Islamic Law Perspective Regarding The Return of Property as A Result of A Canceled Marriage
Moh. Aris Siswanto, Jawade Hafidz
Juridical Analysis on Cabinet Structure Changes of Prabowo’s Government & The Impact to The New Government
Andrew Afrizal Limbong, Janpatar Simamora, Januari Sihotang
Collection of Land & Building Rights Acquisition Fees (BPHTB) based on Transaction Price in Land & Building Sales-Purchases in Batang Regency
Muhammad Apri Yahya, Budi Ispriyarso
The Authentic Deed that is Degraded due to False Information
Moses Nathanael, Gunawan Djajaputra