The Legal Position of a Substitute Notary and the Deed He Makes Due to Notary Leave in Kudus Regency

Widyastuti Widyastuti


Substitute Notary is a consequence that a position must be continuous. This research aims to determine and analyze the legal position of a substitute notary and the deeds he or she makes in terms of notarial leave in Kudus Regency and to find out and analyze the responsibilities of a substitute notary in making deeds due to notary leave in Kudus Regency. The approach method in this research is an empirical juridical approach, descriptive analysis research specifications, by collecting primary data from the results of observations and interviews as well as secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, secondary legal materials and tertiary legal materials, then the data is analyzed qualitatively to produce descriptive-analytical data, and then studied using legal certainty theory and responsibility theory. The research results show that during 2023 there will be no Notaries who will use their leave rights. Even though there is no Notary who uses his leave rights, legally if a Notary is on leave he must appoint a replacement Notary. The legal certainty of the position of a Substitute Notary and the deeds he makes are guaranteed by UUJN and Permenkumham Number 19 of 2019. The responsibility of a Substitute Notary in making a deed is actually limited to the formality of the deed because in reality the Notary or Substitute Notary is only an opmaken and verlijden.

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