Author Geograpichal Coverage: Indonesia, Malaysia and Nigeria
Table of Contents
The Law of Bribery in the Judiciary: A Comparative Analysis of the Opinions of Yusuf Qardhawi and Asy-Syaukani
Aripin Marpaung
The Legal Protection for Consumers in the Digital Economy Era in Facing Challenges and Opportunities
Eka Ardianto Iskandar, Roby Satya Nugraha
Two Systems, One Concept of Comparative Analysis of Dutch Noodwer and Indonesian Forced Defense
Izzah Audina, Ifahda Pratama Hapsari
Sentencing in Narcotics Criminal Offenses from the Perspective of Certainty and Justice
Sri Wahyuni Laia, Mompang L. Panggabean
The Urgency of Notary Deed in Supporting Sustainable Economic Growth in Riau
Satrio Abdillah, Eva Sundari
Termination Analysis of Cooperation Agreement between Bekasi City Government & PT. Kitita Alami Propertindo on the Revitalization & Management of Pondok Gede Market
Safitri Saraswati, Noor Saptanti, Jadmiko Anom Husodo
Rethinking Religious Freedom in the Frame of the First Principle of Pancasila and Human Rights Law
Meliyani Sidiqah
Navigating the Complexities of Cellular Therapy Patents: Regulatory Challenges, Ethical Implications, and Global Trends
Raymond R Tjandrawinata, Henry Soelistyo Budi
Strengthening the Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS) with Authority as the Executor of the Restructuring Program (PRP)
Elyana Novira
The Development of Punishment in Indonesian Criminal Law
Iwan Darmawan, Roby Satya Nugraha, Alfies L. Sihombing
The Corporate Legal Responsibility for The Leak of Personal Data of Application Consumers in Indonesia
Gesa Bimantara, Tri Astuti Handayani, Muhammad Ainul Yaqin Al Irsyad
Navigating Legal Transformation: Challenges and Prospects of Cybernotary in Enhancing Public Service Efficiency in Indonesia
Sulistyani Eka Lestari, Mokh Thoif, Teguh Endi Widodo, Minan Minan
Bridging Legal Gaps: Harmonizing the Roles of BPBD, Bakesbangpol, and Bakorwil in Regional Governance
Permadi Setyonagoro, Himawan Estu Bagijo, Slamet Hari Sutanto, Yudiyanto Tri Kurniawan, Sonya Claudia Siwu
The Existence and Fund Management of Indigenous Dayak Taman Community in Sibau Hilir Village from Legal Perspective
Riza Puspita, Devina Puspita Sari
The Principles of Good Faith in E-Contract Financial Technology
Dora Kusumastuti, Sutoyo Sutoyo
Challenging The Form of Responsibility in Drug Policies That Adversely Affect Consumers: Causality Theory As An Analytical Lens
Yuyut Prayuti
Ruislag Procedure of Waqf Land Affected by National Strategic Projects in the Perspective of State Administrative Law
Tatang Astarudin
Constitutional Law Reform to Realize Inclusive Higher Education for Persons with Disabilities
Asep Sapsudin, Hendri Abdul Qohar
Fiduciary Guarantee Registration Implementation Through Electronic (Online System) in Indonesia
Agus Satory, Sufmi Dasco Ahmad, Roby Satya Nugraha
Comparative Mediation and Arbitration in Civil Dispute Resolution in Indonesia
Nanang Naisabur
The Legal Protection for The Use of A Notary's Right of Refusal in Investigations
Irda Nur Khumaeroh, Agus Prasetia Wiranto, M. Rizal Bagaskoro
Legal Protection for Land Owners Whose Land is Illegally Certified Through Land Registration
Lulus Purna Malintang
Problematics of Legal Politics in the Formation of Legislation in Indonesia
Ali Yusran Gea
The Contribution of Cash Waqf in Improving Programs in the Field of Education (Study at the International Islamic University (IIUM Endowment Fund) Malaysia)
Devina Arifani, Rozihan Rozihan
The Role of Government Regulation in Increasing Human Resource Productivity in the Gig Economy Sector
Maludin Panjaitan, Yosie Gabriela Panjaitan, Yosua Permana, Yosephine Grace, Maun Jamaludin
Legal Risks in Employee Relations: Legal Considerations in Human Resource Risk Management
Jhoni Maslan, Maun Jamaludin