Jurnal Riset Bisnis Indonesia (JRBI) is a peer-reviewed journal published twice (2) a year (January & July) by Master of Management, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung (UNISSULA). JRBI is intended to be the journal for publishing articles reporting the results of management research. JRBI invites manuscripts on various topics related to management with the following focus and scope:
- Basic Management
- Finance and Banking
- Econometric Applications
- Financial Econometrics
- International Trade and Development
- Tourism Economics
- Business Economics
- Micro Finance
- International Finance
- Economics, Finance, and Management of Education
- Management, Marketing, Human Resources, Organizations, Management Information Systems, etc.

Editorial Office: Master of Management, Faculty of Economic, Universitas Islam Sultan Agung. Jln. Kaligawe KM. 4, Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia.
Principal Contact
Prof. Dr. Ibnu Khajar, S.E., M.Si.
Editor in Chief
Universitas Islam Sultan Agung, Indonesia
Support Contact
Ong Argo Victoria
Phone: 081325424803
Email: jrbi@unissula.ac.id
Vol 22, No 1 (2025): January 2025
Table of Contents
Human Resource Performance Model Based on Intrinsic Motivation, Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment at Makmur Mandiri Cooperative
Agustinus Dosroha Panjaitan
On The Job Training, Experience, and Performance of Police Personnel of the General Crime Directorate of Central Java Regional Police
Eko Marudin
Promotion and Production Costs on Company Performance with Company Size as a Moderating Variable
Angelita Cesariani Susanti
The Influence of Service Quality and FOMO on Interest in Using Digital Banks in Indonesia with Trust as a Moderating Variable
Rengga Yoga Pandawa
Digital Competence Enhancement Strategy for Medical and Health Workforce: Individual Resource Approach
Irfan An Naufal
Customer Citizenship Behavior and Its Impact on Word of Mouth with Customer Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable Case Study on UMKM Manika Kaltim
Fajar Dedy Setiawan
Empirical Study of Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Its Impact on Employee Work Performance at Wonosobo Police
Denny Wibowo
The Influence of Principal Management and Teacher Competence on Student Discipline at SMK NU Ungaran, Semarang Regency
Ninik Kristanti
Trust In Supervisor And Interpersonal Communication in Improving Police Personnel Performance Through Affective Commitment
Muhammad Fadli
The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Brand Image on Consumer Purchasing Decisions at Kobar Jaya Furniture
Kristin Indah Winarni
The Influence of Work Life Balance and Transformational Leadership on Employee Performance with Work Engagement as an Intervening Variable in Hospitals
Aris Susanto
Study on Improving the Performance of Trans Jateng Bus Services on the Solo - Sragen Route
Sapto Adiputro
Innovation Ability and Performance of Police Personnel Through Knowledge Sharing Behavior, Precision Culture and Police Technical Education
Akmal Akmal
Analysis of the Influence of Knowledge Quality and Skills on ICT Mastery and ASN Performance (Study at the Regional Secretariat of West Kotawaringin Regency)
Vincent Winro Desvian Hutauruk
The Influence of Training, Competence and Career Development on Employee Performance at PT Jasa Raharja Lampung Branch
Syawil Huda